Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Abide With Me

What should we not miss about such a touching song. The Biblical link is found in Luke 24:29 when the disciples asked Jesus to abide with them when it was late in the evening. It was Mahatma Gandhi’s favorite song and was played every Republic Day in India during Beating the Retreat ceremony till the right wing Hindu extremist Government in India removed it in Jan 2022. Just another sign of the shift of power and power of evil in end times. 

The powerful words of prayer in the hymn was penned by Vicar Henry Francis Lyte, in context of his emotional state when he needed God’s strength while he was visiting his dying friend William Augustus Le Hunte in the early 19th century, that he repeated the phrase “abide with me”. Lyte wrote the hymn in 1820, that has since been played in Churches especially during weddings and funerals, and especially during tough times and national remembrances of history in the background of a struggle such as in India.

May we never forget to pray to our Lord and King reigning in Majesty and say, "Abide With Me".