Sunday, December 26, 2010

Under Control

In one of our conversations we were wondering about some of the people for whom things go well but yet don't really value any one true religion or trust any God. Many of them still believe there is some big power out there but are not convinced enough, which one truly is. You may call them agnostics.

Most of these people are well accomplished professionally, have enough financial security, understand hard work pays, do no harm to others, have no major family disruptions, knowing trials and worries have their seems pretty good.  As long as life goes on with little disruptions, and if everything that they can possibly control are under control, life is under control.

For other things that are of spiritual in nature, they want to really feel that with their every sense to be real, only then would they pursue it. For these agnostics, it is unreal, when they see some religious people exercising a spiritual facet that requires faith to believe. It is just because things are generally under control in their lives and common sense does not dictate them to believe, they just pay no interest to it.

I consider God-knowing socially or financially insecure people "Blessed for eternity" because they are mostly the ones who put their trust in God entirely, for both the worldly needs and needs of eternal value, this is with special reference to Christian faith. They know that they don't have everything under control and they can't, but they know WHO keeps everything under control because they trust in God with Faith. That is the true way to have everything Under Control. It requires pressures in life!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Where is your soul?

Do you know where lies your soul? Have you thought about what is a soul? Is it a physical entity or a metaphysical description like "mind".

Noted Philosophy Professor Stephen Asma from Columbia College, Chicago says this is where the mistake in understanding lies...."The problem with some religious and New Age soul talk is that it exports the soul concept from the domain of subjective expression to the domain of objective fact, where it can have no empirical corroboration". Lot of mambo jumbo here, it may seem. Essentially what he says is that we make a "category" mistake while doing "soul" talk. Its not part of a scientific expression but is part of the primordial language of expression.

Asma quotes philosophers like Wittgenstein, Heidegger and Kenneth Burke who have suggested that language is originally expressive, rhetorical and dramatic but is only derivatively scientific and explanatory.

So the crux is, soul talk is more an expression than explanatorial. The word soul is deemed understood 'when we have arrived at that naked expression of subjective yearning'. You don't have to go any further. Its purely used as a function of a statement and not literally.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Why is everyone talking about "being positive"?

A new concept always intrigues and a s a result gets less critiqued. Being positive is a relatively new slogan and one can never seem to find anything wrong with it.  Its also stressed from pulpits these days. Honestly its not a biblical phrase. Its a secular concept. There's certainly a nice vibe to it. Its a selling point. I have no problems with it. But why are people liking it so much as a "mantra"?

I think I found an alternative if someone is interested, its called "being grounded"....may not sound as reassuring as being positive but its deeper in meaning than just being positive.  It is also Biblical. Translation: "Trust in the Lord". Pray! These words of late are carrying a lot of depth in my life. I have began sensing in my head there is joy in despair when you are grounded in the Trust in the Lord and you can build it by prayer.

I loved when Cliff Barrows, the guy who was a main part of Billy Graham's music ministry, said that they began their ministry together with Trust in God as their central theme. There was joy in his face when he said that and I sensed it in a powerful way. Integrity, Accountability, Humility were 3 of the 5 cornerstones that shaped their 60 year association. He closed the interview he was giving by saying beautifully, how he can't imagine living without his friends with whom he could exercise these fine qualities of character.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Exodus20:5 cancelled by Ezekiel 18:20

Passage Exodus 20:5(2nd book of Old testament):

5 You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me.

This passage was one of the thought provoking topic this week. During sermon, pastor Rich Nathan said as he was contemplating on this he had this vision," If you have a stone in your hand and you are standing by the side of a still pond, you have 2 options either drop the stone or throw it in the pond. Here stone is symbolic of sin. If you drop it, that is the end. However, if you hurl it in the pond, it creates infinite ripples on which you have no control.

The above passage does confirm that our parents sins have consequences for us. However, the passage below helps to break the chain of this sin in our families.

Passage Ezekiel 18:20(6th century BC):

20 The person who sins is the one who will die. The child will not be punished for the parent’s sins, and the parent will not be punished for the child’s sins. Righteous people will be rewarded for their own righteous behavior, and wicked people will be punished for their own wickedness. 

Contributed by Shyni

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Recent Study

A finding compared 4 groups of kids who were given a test.....first group was supervised by an adult so that they don' t cheat....second group was told that they are being watched although none was physically present or really watched. Third and fourth groups were not supervised but the fourth group was told so, not the third. Not suprisingly the first group did not cheat, the fourth group had the most who cheated. The surprising finding was the second group was comparable to the first.

Finding: When we are told that we are being watched or someone is watching to whom we are accountable, we put forth our best behaviour. To bring about social sanity, this belief works like a charm. Something to think about.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


The new concept I am thinking deeply these days is "life". The examination of what makes life different from consciousness. What is life and when is life considered life? Is life definable by having the biochemistry of a cell or an organism/plant work together and make it functionally meaningful. Or, is it the realization of the fact that life means when you can do things be it just to live or do something tangible. Where does life exist. Is it just a term to define what lives or is it more. Still thinking.......

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Opposite of Faith is not Unbelief

Recently I happen to listen to a catholic priest, a Jesuit from Rome's inner circles I guess, talk about faith on a early Sunday morning radio interview. Kind of liked his novel thought about faith. He said that the opposite of faith is not unbelief but proof. Yeah, it made me think awhile and if you think deeply, it does make sense. How many times our faith is based on 'He said, She said', etc., rather than our own experience. Given, many of us apparently don't get those experiences. But what I think the problem perhaps is is, it is not that we don't experience it, it is our inability to perceive and articulate it. do we perceive it?
Keep searching for the cues and you will find it come to you BIG and CLEAR.

How do we articulate it?
Just use plain language but use words that try to reflect the exact perception than making it up. Its far more believable and sustainable if its from your heart and believe me other people can easily find it out.

Monday, April 5, 2010

God and Investments

Do you think these 2 are connected? God and Investments! Well, read on.....

Look at the close similarities between them:
Most people don't know about either, in a deep way.
Many self help books and gurus are available.
Still no one or no book agrees to any one unitary success formula.
We fall in traps when we set out our journeys lead by gurus and we get stung taking steps forward but invariably we feel we did not move up much.
But out of serendipity good things happen about which you don't have any clue.
We attribute our understanding based on the successes we experience.
After this successful experience you think you have got this figured.
Then you start to be the preacher/advisor.
Yet, no one is able to mimic your success anywhere close to yours.
Before they demand explanation from you again, you are gone....
The cycle continues.

But the bottom line is this: The more you learn about either one, the more you realize your ignorance.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I waited a was February already

Yesterday I wanted to update my blog, but did not. A new month did not wait for me just because I had excuses for not updating. Several events have happened in the last month or two about which I like to share a thing or more. Life became overwhelming during many occasions. One thing I noticed was that again time did not wait but it did cure some of its effects. Time is precious, so its prudent we keep a careful eye on it because we are accountable.