Sunday, September 20, 2009

Leaky Water Bucket

Every one may know well that we are asked by God to give praise and glory to Him every time we receive blessings. Its not that God gets a kick out of ego rattling when we do that. He does not certainly get any mightier or bigger because of our actions of praise to Him. In other words, He is not asking us to take our small buckets up the mountain with water (praise and glory) to fill His trough. If you really think about it, actually its we who need His water (power) to fill our leaky buckets on a continuous basis.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

One Bright Late Summer morning in September

Setting: A Nice late summer Sunday morning in Dublin, Ohio! September 13th! Temperature about 60 degrees Farenheit, Clear sky.
Event: Inaugural service for Vineyard Sawmill Campus (in other words this campus is right across our home)
New experience: Personally this is very unique to me. Normally people search for a church they can go to. But the church we go to, came to our doorstep today. I just feel in my heart that God has something that he wants to open in our lives here. Little over 3 years ago when we bought this house we never knew that we will be going to this church called Vineyard on a regular basis. But we did eventually. We never knew they will open a campus elsewhere. But they did. We never knew that it will be in our neck of the woods. But it was right across our home. Can this be just another case of weird coincidence. I am forced to think otherwise because there is something visceral or rather supernatural about this chain of events.
Lesson: Open your heart and He will change your lives.
More on this ..... later!