Several years ago when I was not so sure what it meant by Intelligent Design, there was a active debate on this topic across America. I read a rather recent issue of a ASBMB today (a Biomedical Newsletter) stating that some schools in Texas have managed to incorporate Intelligent Design in their science curriculum as part of critical thinking and obviously the science community at-large are not quite happy about it. The scientist who wrote this article says Intelligent Design is not evidence based like science and hence the debate is over.
This made me think rather deeply. I agree that science is evidence based and should be verifiable albeit with practical limitations. It is important that we should never put Intelligent Design on a collision course with Science. Simply because these two can work best when left to itself and to its beneficial advancement to serve a common human and divine purpose. They don't need to be debated at all. That perhaps is a better way to put the debate to rest. Makes sense? Let me know.
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