Wednesday, April 27, 2011

All saints die!

Saints! What a word man has created and how nicely it has become to be a word of value when attributed to a finite human being. Who is a saint? A person without corruption. In today's world do we not see innumerable self proclaiming saints? Are they really saints? They apparently are - for fact for many hapless people.

Saints are revered in countries like India because people find an answer to a problem they face through their teaching or a certain religious practice which focuses one's mind. Thereafter they just follow the saints blindly. Saints also heal people of diseases, protect from accidents, etc. at least so they say. But here is the thing.....why can't saints heal themselves or prevent themselves from harm? This tells that saints are just humans as we are and all humans die, so do saints. Saints are just as infallible like humans be it Sai Baba from Puttaparthi or Mother Teresa from Calcutta. Hope this truth percolates deep into the human understanding.

One more thing, Easter is the day Christian believers celebrate Jesus Christ's resurrection from the death. That is the same day a "saint" (in Sai Baba) died  and to me it tells a powerful narrative. Worship worthy God rose from the dead, and "Saints" die....sometimes on the same day! 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Reliability and Independence

Its been a while! Not that I have not had thoughts or ideas that I wanted to share. But just wasn't able to blog due to a handful of other things that demanded more of my focus and attention. But that's in the past now.

This one is a simple thought. Does our trust in God create a sense of dependence or independence?

Normally when we trust someone or something, we expect in all probability that, that person or thing will deliver what is expected of it. Let me give an example, if I take my well maintained car for a long drive, I start out with a trust that my car will be reliable enough to complete the demanding  trip without breaking down on the way. It gives me a sense of independence and lets me think about other activities I may plan during the trip. That is independence to me due to my car's reliability. Should God's reliability give me independence? OR more dependence on HIM?

I can see a smile on your face on reading this tricky question. Abundance of money affords a great flexibility and independence in life and no question about that. Most of us well realize money is just a means to the end and not an end in itself. What is the true end then? Worldly "stuff"? or stuff that puts your focus always on God? Love and peace cannot be bought with any amount of $$$$, fortunately. There is only one source for these valuable possessions in this difficult world. A source which is unending and everlasting. That to me makes me so dependent on God and not independent of God. So, trust in God makes me more dependent on HIM because of his RELIABILITY. What do you think?