Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is there an Adam and Eve in your family?

Normally indulgence is self driven. But sometimes its driven by others. Especially in a family, if its another person who lead you to indulge, it is the spouse. When we fall in a trap - sin trap, there is always a reason or a person behind it. It may not be even true but we easily find a scapegoat. Rarely we own or take responsibility. If its true that the spouse was the reason the actual blame should go to the person who acted on the motivation to indulge. This is what I like to call the 'Adam and Eve syndrome'. Is there a Adam and Eve syndrome in your family? 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Snowball of what kind

Almost everyone who has lived in the Northern hemisphere knows how a snowball becomes bigger if it rolls down a snowy hill or slope. Its a commonly used analogy in many life's situations - 'the snowball effect'. A snowball that begins to roll down becomes bigger and bigger every inch it rolls down. Longer the distance, bigger the snowball!

In life we have two powerful forces that if pursued behaves exactly the same way a snowball behaves. One is Sin and the other is Faith. Both start small. The longer you let it roll in you, the bigger it gets on you. There will be a time when it gets full blown, what you got rolling gets too big that you (the seed) from which it got started, gets you completely covered and it takes you around for the trip of your death or life of which you have very little control until you finally hit something. I hope the thing (death) we hit upon is not one which destroys us but wakes us up in the presence of our God. Faith leads you to that place. Its paramount to watch what kind of a snowball we choose to be.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dreams - Effects and Affects

Everyone dreams at least a few times a month, if not more. 'Dreaming' crosses all boundaries among humankind. All genders, age, rich, poor, religious, non-religious, healthy, sick, etc., no exceptions. Yet, very little is known, leave alone understood about the cause and origins of our dreams. I honestly don't understand why this area of our human mind is not well researched into. One possible reason is this grey area criss-crosses several sciences and possibly arts too - Neuroscience, Anatomy/Physiology, and Mind-Body relationship. Dreams cannot be encompassed into any narrow field for it to be studied or understood!

One very novel observation that I have not come across anywhere in the literature world so far is this. This comes from my own experience. My wife and I have noticed that on the days we dream, we dream together and on the days we don't dream, we both don't dream. Next, we all know that we get both good and bad dreams although people don't have a clear percentage of how much of their dreams are either good or bad. It certainly varies with people. But to me this is clear, we found out when one of us dreams a good dream the other person in the same bedroom also dreams a good one. So also with the bad ones. You may think it may have a bias. But listen to this, when we added more people to the bedroom (which we do when our son comes to our room to sleep in on some nights!) we noticed this phenomenon extends to the person/s in the bedroom that night. That is to say, if its a good dream, all the persons in the room dream that way and if  'tis a bad one, everyone has some sort of a bad dream. This is strange, it has happened to us all the time.

I strongly feel this is a not just a human-mind thing. This has got to do with something in the air, in the immediate environment! I suspect it is of the spiritual realm and it may very well have something to do with Godly spirit or the Holy Spirit Or the evil spirit. Wonder what the dream scientists have to say.