Thursday, April 22, 2010

Opposite of Faith is not Unbelief

Recently I happen to listen to a catholic priest, a Jesuit from Rome's inner circles I guess, talk about faith on a early Sunday morning radio interview. Kind of liked his novel thought about faith. He said that the opposite of faith is not unbelief but proof. Yeah, it made me think awhile and if you think deeply, it does make sense. How many times our faith is based on 'He said, She said', etc., rather than our own experience. Given, many of us apparently don't get those experiences. But what I think the problem perhaps is is, it is not that we don't experience it, it is our inability to perceive and articulate it. do we perceive it?
Keep searching for the cues and you will find it come to you BIG and CLEAR.

How do we articulate it?
Just use plain language but use words that try to reflect the exact perception than making it up. Its far more believable and sustainable if its from your heart and believe me other people can easily find it out.

Monday, April 5, 2010

God and Investments

Do you think these 2 are connected? God and Investments! Well, read on.....

Look at the close similarities between them:
Most people don't know about either, in a deep way.
Many self help books and gurus are available.
Still no one or no book agrees to any one unitary success formula.
We fall in traps when we set out our journeys lead by gurus and we get stung taking steps forward but invariably we feel we did not move up much.
But out of serendipity good things happen about which you don't have any clue.
We attribute our understanding based on the successes we experience.
After this successful experience you think you have got this figured.
Then you start to be the preacher/advisor.
Yet, no one is able to mimic your success anywhere close to yours.
Before they demand explanation from you again, you are gone....
The cycle continues.

But the bottom line is this: The more you learn about either one, the more you realize your ignorance.